A fantasy-horror-cartoon-superhero-sci-fi-musical-drama film with more than 30 pop culture references written in collaboration with 50 thousand CCXP fans.
CCXP is a comics festival that follows the format of a ComicCon and has been the biggest of its kind for the past three years. It offers a chance to experience all forms of pop culture, including movies, graphic novels, cartoons, series, anime, games, music, cosplay, action figures, and more. Additionally, it encompasses all sub-genres within pop culture, such as horror, science fiction, music, action, and more. This diversity makes CCXP a celebration of all things pop culture and can be described as the world of all worlds.
The ad film showcases a classic 90's movie trailer format, but what sets it apart is its unique creative process. Over 50,000 CCXP fans participated by sending suggestions for scenes and plots through social media and at the festival. The resulting trailer offers a blend of various perspectives, with references spanning from "Evil Dead" films to 30's cartoons, capturing the diverse vision of our community on the pop culture universe.
Meet some of the co-writers
"Gimme fan-seeeeervicee!! action, gunshots, explosions, EXPLOSIONS. E-X-P-L-O-S-I-O-N-S. Want something that makes me think: WTF just happened????"
A geek girl or dude fighting the most famous characters. Just a regular person who begin to show extraordinary superpowers and teams up with other action heroes to defeat his enemies.
“A film in which our world is under attack by all kinds of forces. I mean, All the time. Comedy. Action. With my grandmother. A Multi-grandmother-verse. And, at the end, T-800 would save all grandmothers.”
Main character is bitten by a radioactive DOLPHIN and, instead of holding its abilities (like enhanced intelligence and breathing underwater), he ends up inheriting dolphin-like vocal chords. He has no choice other than learning how to use it to defeat his enemies. woooooAAAAAAHHH o/
"A film with all the characters I've always wanted to see together, interacting with each other. And loads of pop culture references so people would have to watch it over and over again to notice them all."
How about a CCXP fan ( Me, of course =• ) running from zombies, evil wizards, spirits from the beyond, and villains in order to go to the CCXP!!! Then, she is rescue by all her favourite supeheroes: Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, the Winchester brothers, Rick Grimes and, of course, The Rock.
All my universes on a single place: TV series, games, films, music, and comic books. The best crossover of all time.
A monumental and out-of-this-world experience, such as CCXP itself is. Luv you guys :*****
It would be a musical film as good as the greatest Hollywood musicals, such as “Singing in The Rain” with all my favourite universes mixed in it.
A colorful retrowave futuristic cyberpunk story narrated by an omniscient classic movie trailer voice from the future, like Cid Moreira.
3.6MM views
Over 8MM people reached
55K interactions on social media
Full credits:
Agency: O&Co
Creative Director: Claudio Villa
Creative Concept: Claudio Villa, Rafael Barreiros, Guilherme Marques, Elton Reale
Production: Barry Company
Director: Pedro Giomi
Producers: Krysse Mello, Juliana Martellotta
Post Production and VFX: Mosh Post
Soundtrack, design, and mixing: Quiet City