The 8-minutes-long short movie entitled “A GeekPunk Story” is the first feature of a new CCXP original fictional universe called "GeekPunk" - an epic journey in a dystopian future in which Earth has been destroyed during an alien invasion, and a few teenagers who had no contact with the ancient civilisation struggle to rebuild society based on pop culture references.
On this first episode, the story begins 20 years after the attack. Four teenagers born after the invasion are searching for evidence of what the planet was like before it was destroyed. While escaping an alien threat, they end up finding a bunker where pop culture relics are still intact, such as comics, collectibles, action figures, and movies. They mistakenly believe that this is a faithful record of what the world used to be. Since these kids are not aware of the difference between fantasy and reality, they face their fears and start changing the world.
we had the pleasure to have the song cobra by the band Far From Alaska as our Soundtrack and The original sound scoring, mixing and SFX was designed by DaHouse.
Last, but not least, the Fashion Stylist Ana Wainer - founder of the independent magazine MAIS55MAG - brought the characters’ costume designs to live. And Puerto Produções was responsible for the scenography.
CCXP team + Handquarters talking about the geekpunk project live @ CCXP18
Creating + Developing team.
The original story was created by us at CCXP and we were able to work with a great team (thanks to Carlos Farinha) to make the idea bigger, bolder and worthy of being called a new fiction genre.
Starting with Rafael Grampá who co-create, directed and signed all the characters illustration concepts of the project. He was one of the restless directors who I ever work with, impeccable with all details in all aspects of the production.
The cinematography was signed by Juliano Lopes, who directed cinematography for lots of advertising films and worked on many full-length films including The Man Who Copied (2013), Estômago (2007) and Meu Tio Matou um Cara (2004).
The post-production and VFX was made by Warriors VKX and The mechanical alien beast for this pilot was developed by Grampá, sculpted in 3D and gained life by the hands of Cadu Macedo, Kippcase and Marcelo Pasqua.
The official poster was signed by renowned comic book designer Paul Pope responsible, among other stories, for “Batman: Year 100” and his latest hit, “Battling Boy”, which topped the bestseller list of the New York Times.
The GeekPunk genre idea evolved into a solid platform and is in negotiation to be portrayed on a full-length movie, comics, and action figures.
Full credits:
Creative Executive Director: Roberto Fabri
Creative Director: Claudio Villa
Creative Concept: Claudio Villa, Rafael Barreiros, Roberto Fabri, Rafael Grampá
Copywriter: Rafael Barreiros, Guilherme Marques
Project Manager: Priscila Bezerra
Motion Designer: Jorge Jr.
Film: Handquarters
Director: Rafael Grampá
Executive Producer: Carlos Farinha
Cinematography: Juliano Lopes
Post Production and VFX: Marriors VFX
Sound, design and mixing: Dahouse
Soundtrack: Far From Alaska
Scenography: Puerto Produções
Official Poster: Paul Pope